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Tong Lu

PhD student (2024 - )

Research Centre for Fire Safety Engineering

Department of Building Environment and Energy Engineering

Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong


Office: ZN 808



Mr. Tong Lu is currently a PhD student at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He received his bachelor's degree from Southwest Jiaotong University in 2021, and master's degrees from Central South University in 2024, respectively. His research focuses include mass pedestrian dynamics and emergency management.

Background of Education

  • 2024 - Present, Ph.D., Dept. of Building Environment and Energy Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

  • 2021 - 2024, M. Eng. Engineering in Fire Engineering, Central South University.

  • 2016 - 2020, B. Eng. Engineering in Fire Protection Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University.


Research Areas

Pedestrian Dynamics, Pedestrian Evacuation, Numerical Simulation.

Prizes and Awards

  • 2023 National Scholarship for Graduate Students.

  • 2023 Outstanding Student of Central South University (CSU)

  • 2023 Cai Tian Swan Zhu Scholarship, Central South University (CSU)


Journal Publications

  1. Chen C, Lu T. An extended model for crowded evacuation considering stampede on inclined staircases[J]. Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, 2024,135:102978.(IF:3.5)

  2. Chen C, Lu T, Jiao W, et al. An extended model for crowd evacuation considering crowding and stampede effects under the internal crushing[J]. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2023,625:129002. (IF: 3.3)

  3. Chen C, Lu T, Zhang Y, et al. Experimental study on temperature profile and critical velocity in bifurcated tunnel fire with inclined transverse cross-passage[J]. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2023,186:108120. (IF: 4.5)

  4. Zhang Y, Chen C, Jiao W, Lu T. Experimental study on burning characteristic of liquid fuel immersed in porous media bed: Effect of particle gradation[J]. Fuel, 2023,344:128103. ( IF:7.4)


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