Dr. Peiyi Sun
Postdoctoral fellow
Department of Building Services Engineering,
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University,
Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Room: ZN 808
Phone: (852) 2765 7198
Email: peiyi.sun@connect.polyu.hk
Dr Peiyi Sun is a postdoctoral fellow at the Research Center for Fire Engineering. She received her PhD and M.Eng. degree from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Her PhD thesis is a pioneering, in-depth, systematic study of the dripping ignition fire phenomenon. After that, she became a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, conducting simulation studies of phase change problems.
Ph.D. Hong Kong Polytechnic University 2019-2022
Thesis: Dripping ignition dynamics and fire hazards Advisor: Prof. Xinyan Huang
M.Eng. Hong Kong Polytechnic University 2017-2018
Building Services Engineering Advisor: Prof. Asif Sohail Usmani
Thesis: A study of vertical fire spread in multi-story buildings of balcony depth
B.Eng. Tianjing Chengjian University 2013-2017
Water Supply and Drainage Engineering
Research Interests
Dripping fire phenomena, battery fire, Computational Modelling of Fire
Awards Interests
Best Thesis Awards for PhD Degree China Fire Protection Association 2023
SFPE Jack Bono Awards (First-author) for Engineering Communication 2021
Best Poster Awards (co-author) China National Symposium on Combustion 2019-2020
The Greater Bay Area STEM Excellence Award 2020
Student Essay Competition -Merit Award HKIE Fire Division 2019
Journal Publications:
P. Sun, X. Huang and C. Xu (2022) Flashpoint and Burning of Thin Molten Plastic Pool Above Hot Boundary. Applied Thermal Engineering. 118931.
H. Yuan, P. Sun, X. Huang, G. Rein (2023) Computational Study of the Multidimensional Spread of Smouldering Combustion at Different Peat Conditions. Fuel. 345, 128064.
P. Sun, Y. Liu, and X. Huang (2022) Exploring the Brachistochrone (Shortest-Time) Fire Spread Path. Scientific reports. 12(1):13600.
P. Sun, Y. Jia, X. Zhang and X. Huang (2021) Fire Risk of Dripping Flame: Piloted Ignition and Soaking Effect. Fire Safety Journal 103360.
C. Wu, P. Sun, X. Wang, S. Wang and X. Huang (2020) Flame Extinction of Spherical PMMA in Microgravity: Effect of Fuel Diameter and Conduction. Microgravity Science and Technology 32 (6), 1065-1075.
P. Sun, C. Wu, F. Zhu, S. Wang and X. Huang (2020) Microgravity Combustion of Polyethylene Droplet in Drop Tower. Combustion and Flame 222, 18-26.
P. Sun, S. Lin and X. Huang (2020) Ignition of thin fuel by thermoplastic drips: An experimental study for the dripping ignition theory. Fire Safety Journal. 103006.
Y. Liu, P. Sun, H. Niu, X. Huang and Rein G. (2020) Propensity to self-heating ignition of open-circuit pouch lithium-ion battery pile on a hot boundary. Fire Safety Journal 2020:103081.
P. Sun, Bisschop R, H. Niu, X. Huang (2020) A Review of Battery Fires in Electric Vehicles. Fire technology 56, 1361–1410.
X. Chen , L. Guo, H. Niu, Z. Li, S. Mo, P. Sun and X. Huang (2019) Characteristics of Thermal Runaway Propagation of Lithium-Ion Battery Module Induced by Thermal Abuses in Enclosure Space The Proceedings of 11th Asia-Oceania Symposium on Fire Science and Technology.
S. Lin, P. Sun and X. Huang (2019) Can peat soil support a flaming wildfire? International Journal of Wildland Fire 28 (8) 601-613.
Selected conference communications:
P. Sun, N. En, N. Yuji, Mathematical Modelling of Single Bubble Growth in Thermoplastic Driven by Pyrolysis Process, 61st Symposium (Japanese) on Combustion, 12th Asia-Oceania Symposium on Fire Science and Technology, Akita Atorion, Japan, Nov 15-17, 2023 [Paper + Oral]
P. Sun, T. Zhang, X. Huang, The Effects of Scale on Solid Fuel Mass Burning Flux and Flame Behavior, 14th International Symposium on Fire Safety Science, Tsukuba, Japan, Oct 23-27, 2023. [Poster]
P. Sun, Y. Jia, X. Zhang and X. Huang. Ignition by continual polyethylene drips and the soaking processes, 12th Asia-Oceania Symposium on Fire Science and Technology, Queensland, Australia, 7-9 Dec 2021. [Oral]
P.Sun, Y.Jia, X Zhang, X Huang. Dripping Ignition of Porous Materials: The Effect of Soaking. 38th Symposium Work in Progress Poster, 24-29 Jan 2021. [Poster]
P. Sun, S. Lin and X. Huang, Experimental study on the dripping ignition of thin fuel.13th International Association on Fire Science, 2020. [Poster].
P. Sun, D. Chao, X. Zhang and X. Huang, Small scale fire whirl experiment in low-pressure environment.13th International Association on Fire Science, 2020. [Poster].
Xiong C.Y., Sun P.Y. and Huang X.Y. Numerical modeling of flame evolution behind a falling polymer drip. 13th International Association on Fire Science, 2020. [Poster].
P. Sun, C. Wu, F. Zhu, S. Wang, X. Huang, Microgravity Combustion of Polyethylene Droplet in Drop Tower, Presented at the 1st Asia-Pacific Combustion Institute Summer School, Viña del Mar, Chile, 10-16 Nov 2019. [Poster]
P. Sun, S. Lin, X. Huang, Fire Hazard and Ignition Mechanism of Thermoplastic Drips, Presented at the 1st Asia-Pacific Combustion Institute Summer School, Viña del Mar, Chile, 10-16 Nov 2019. [Poster]
P. Sun, S. Lin, X. Huang, Experimental study of dripping ignition, China National Symposium on Combustion, Tianjin, China, 24-27 Oct 2019. [Paper + Oral]
S.Lin, P. Sun, X.Huang, Critical Conditions for Flaming Peat Fire in Wildland, 6th Fire Behaviour and Fuels Conference, Sydney, Australia, April 29-May 3, 2019.[Oral]
S. Lin, P. Sun, X. Huang, Three-Stage Combustion of Peat under External Radiation, 8th East Asia Mechanical Engineering Workshop, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 1-3 Dec 2018, Hong Kong, China. [Paper + Oral]
L. Guo, C. Chen, H. Niu, Z. Li, X. Jiang, S. Mo, P. Sun, X. Huang. Characterization of thermal runaway propagation induced by thermal abuse in 18650 lithium-ion battery module,11th Asia-Oceania Symposium on Fire Science and Technology (AOSFST), Taipei, Taiwan, 21-25 Oct 2018. [Paper + Oral]
P. Sun, S. Lin, X. Huang, How dripping flames ignite a thin fuel, 27th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive systems, 28th-2nd August 2019, Beijing, China. [Paper + Oral]
P. Sun, C. Xu, X. Huang, Y. Jia, An experimental method of investigating dripping ignition and a system of generating dripping flame. Application No. 202010284391.X 孙培艺、许沧粟、黄鑫炎、贾逸凡,一种研究滴落点火的实验方法和产生滴落火焰的系统,中国专利,申请编号:202010284391.X
S. Wang, Y. Zhang, C. Xu, P. Sun, X. Huang, An experimental method and device to simulate the ignition behaviors by the high-temperature and high-speed particle, China Patent, Application No. 202010143225. 8王苏盼、张玉、许沧粟、孙培艺、黄鑫炎,一种模拟高温高速颗粒点火特性的实验方法及实验装置,中国专利,申请编号:202010143225. 8