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Mengyao Geng

PhD student (2024 - )

Research Centre for Fire Safety Engineering

Department of Building Environment and Energy Engineering

Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong


Office: ZN 808


Ms. Mengyao Geng is currently a PhD student at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. She received her Master's Degree from Beijing Institute of Technology (2024) and Bachelor's Degree frome China University of Geosiences (2021). Her research fields include state-of-health estimation, fault diagnosis and early warning of Lithium-ion battery.

Background of Education

  • 2024 - Present, Ph.D., Dept. of Building Environment and Energy Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.

  • 2021-2024, M. Eng. Safety engineering, Beijing Institute of Technology.

  • 2017-2021, B. Eng. Safety engineering, China University of Geosiences.


Research Areas

State-of-health estimation and fault diagnosis of Lithium-ion battery.

Prizes and Awards

  • 2024 Outstanding Graduates of Beijing

  • 2023 National Scholarship for Postgraduate Students

  • 2023 Outstanding Postgraduate Students in the Field of Emergency Management in Beijing

  • 2022 National Scholarship for Postgraduate Students

  • 2019 National Encouragement Scholarship

  • 2018 National Encouragement Scholarship


Journal Publications

  1. Huixing Meng, Mengyao Geng, Te Han. Long short-term memory network with Bayesian optimization for health prognostics of lithium-ion batteries based on partial incremental capacity analysis [J]. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 2023, 236: 109288. (IF: 8.1)

  2. Huixing Meng, Mengyao Geng, Jinduo Xing, et al. A hybrid method for prognostics of lithium-ion batteries capacity considering regeneration phenomena [J]. Energy, 2022, 261:125278. (IF: 8.9)

  3. Qiaoqiao Yang, Chengshan Xu, Mengyao Geng, A review on models to assess and control lithium-ion battery failures: diagnostic modeling, systematic risk analysis and emergency response, Journal of Energy Storage, 2023, 74: 109230. (IF: 9.4)​

Conference Communications

  1. Mengyao Geng, Huixing Meng, Xu an, Degradation Prognostics of Lithium-ion Batteries Based on Partial Features and Long Short-term Memory Network. 13th International Conference on Reliability, Maintainability, and Safety. (Oral)

  2. Mengyao Geng, Huixing Meng, Weizhen Yao, Reliability analysis of metalorganic chemical vapor deposition device. 69th Annual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium. (Oral)

  3. Mengyao Geng, Huixing Meng, Te Han, State of health estimation of lithium-ion batteries based on incremental capacity curves. 33rd European Safety and Reliability Conference. (Oral)



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