Dr Caiyi Xiong 熊才溢
Postdoc Fellow (2019 - )
Research Centre for Fire Engineering
Department of Building Services Engineering
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Office: ZN 808
Email: caiyi.xiong@polyu.edu.hk
Dr. Xiong is a postdoc fellow at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He received his PhD (2019) from the State Key Laboratory of Fire Science at the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), where he performed studies on the thermo-acoustic problem, a relatively new topic in combustion science. He also got his BE (2013) from USTC, during which he mainly investigated the smoke control strategies for high-rise buildings, especially the high-speed railway stations in China.
Background of Education:
2013.9-2019.6 Ph.D student, State Key Laboratory of Fire Science, University of Science and Technology of China.
2009.9-2013.6 B.Eng, Department of Safety Engineering, School of Engineering and Science, University of Science and Technology of China.
Research Interest:
Computational Fluid Dynamics, Combustion Noise, Fire Safety of High-Rise Buildings, Dripping Flame, Combustion Kinetics
Prizes and Awards:
Outstanding Student Scholarship (2010-2012), University of Science and Technology of China
Excellent Student Cadre (2012), University of Science and Technology of China
Outstanding Young Volunteer (2012), University of Science and Technology of China
Outstanding Graduate Scholarship (2013), University of Science and Technology of China
Doctoral Academic Scholarship (2015-2017), University of Science and Technology of China
Best Poster Award (2019), China National Symposium on Combustion
Postdoc Matching Fund (2020), The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
The Young Scientists Fund of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (RMB 240K): Jan. 2021 - Dec. 2023
Journal Paper:
Xiong C.Y., Wang Z.L., Huang Y.K., Shi, F., and Huang X.Y*. (2022) Smart evaluation of building fire scenario and hazard by attenuation of alarm sound field. Journal of Building Engineering.
Xiong C.Y., Fan H.R., Huang X.Y*. and Carlos F.P. (2022) Evaluation of burning rate in microgravity based on the fuel regression, flame area, and spread rate. Combustion and Flame.
Xiong C.Y., Wang Z.L., and Huang X.Y*. (2021) Acoustic flame extinction by the sound wave or speaker-induced wind? Fire Safety Journal.
Xiong C.Y. Liu Y.H., Fan H.R., Huang X.Y*. and Nakamura Y. (2021) Fluctuation and extinction of laminar diffusion flame by external acoustic wave and source. Scientific Reports.
Xiong C.Y. and Huang X.Y.* (2020) Numerical Modeling of Flame Shedding and Extinction behind a Falling Thermoplastic Drip, Flow, Turbulence and Combustion.
Xiong C.Y., Liu Y.H., Xu C.S. and Huang X.Y. (2020) Acoustical Extinction of Flame on Moving Firebrand for Fire Protection in Wildland-Urban Interface, Fire Technology.
Xiong C.Y., Liu Y.H., Xu C.S. and Huang X.Y. Extinguishing the dripping flame by acoustic waves. Fire Safety Journal, 2020.
Fan R. J., Jiang Y., Li W., Xiong C.Y., et al. Investigation of the physical and chemical effects of fire suppression powder NaHCO3 addition on methane-air flames. Fuel.
Xiong C. Y., Jiang Y. Numerical investigation of shear layer effect on sound generation in jet diffusion flame. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America.
Xiong C. Y., Jiang Y. Combustion instability effect on sound generation by jet diffusion flame. Journal of Applied Physics, 2018, 124(19): 194901.
Zhu X. L., Jiang Y., Wang Z. L., Xiong C. Y., et al. The numerical and experimental analysis of upward flame spread over the flat surface and the wavy surface. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2019.
Yin Y. F., Jiang Y., Qiu R., Xiong C. Y. Physical and chemical effects of phosphorus containing compounds on laminar premixed flame. Chinese Physics B, 2018, 27(8).
Xu J. R., Qiu R., Xiong C. Y., et al. Global sensitivity analysis on characteristics of smoke turbulence and transport in stairwell shaft with staircase structure in a high-rise building. Fire Safety Science, 2017(3): 147-156. (in Chinese)
Conference Paper:
Xiong C.Y., Fan H.R. and Huang X.Y. Why Low-frequency Sound is Efficient in Fire Suppression. 38th Symposium Work in Progress Poster, 24-29 Jan 2021. [Poster]
Fan H.R., Xiong C.Y. and Huang X.Y. Methods to Measure the Burning Mass Loss Rate in the Microgravity Space Environment. 38th Symposium Work in Progress Poster, 24-29 Jan 2021. [Poster]
Xiong C.Y., Liu Y.H., Xu C.S. and Huang X.Y. Acoustic barrier for flaming firebrands. 13th International Association on Fire Science, 2020. [Poster].
Xiong C.Y., Sun P.Y. and Huang X.Y. Numerical modelling of flame evolution behind a falling polymer drip. 13th International Association on Fire Science, 2020. [Poster].
Xiong C.Y. and Huang X.Y. Modelling flame shedding and extinction attached to an accelerated thermoplastic drip. 1st Asia-Pacific Combustion Institute Summer School, Viña del Mar, Chile, 10-16 Nov 2019. [Poster]
Xiong C.Y. and Huang X.Y. Acoustic extinction of fast-moving flame. 1st Asia-Pacific Combustion Institute Summer School, Viña del Mar, Chile, 10-16 Nov 2019. [Poster]
Xiong C.Y., Huang X.Y., Sun P.Y. and Jiang Y. Numerical modelling of the flame shedding process in dripping flame. China National Symposium on Combustion, Tianjin, China, 24-27 Oct 2019. [Poster]
Xiong C.Y., Huang X.Y., Sun P.Y. and Jiang Y. A numerical analysis on the shedding mechanism of dripping flame. 27th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive systems, 28th-2nd August 2019, Beijing, China. [Poster]
Xiong C. Y., Jiang Y. Combustion-induced buoyancy effect on noise generation by jet diffusion flames. International Conference on Energy, Environment and Economics, 14th-16th Aug., 2018, Edinburgh, United Kingdom.
Xiong C. Y., Jiang Y., Wang L. Influence of flow instability on sound generation by jet diffusion flames. Proceedings of the China National Symposium on Combustion, 14th-16th Sep., 2018, Harbin, China.
Fan R. J., Jiang Y., Xiong C. Y., Zhu X. L. Influence of fire suppressant powers on burning velocity of laminar premixed flame. International Seminar on Fire and Explosion Hazards, 21st-26th Apr., 2019, Saint Petersburg, Russia.
Huang X. Y., Xiong C. Y., Sun P. Y. A numerical analysis on the shedding mechanism of dripping flame. Institute for Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems, 29th Jul.- 2nd Aug., 2019, Peking University, Beijing, China.
Huang X.Y., Xiong C.Y., Liu Y.H. and Xu C.S. A fire extinguishing system based on acoustically-driven flame extinction. Chinese Patent.
Huang X.Y., Xiong C.Y. and Fan H.R. A fire detection system based on acoustics. Chinese Patent.